Sunday, February 24, 2008

we might not have won but we certainly didn't loose =)

0ur cheer was like " Taman SEA HOT TO GO! H-O-T-T-O-G-O!!!" and then there would be like " wooooo...." or "yeah man..." or "screams..."

this whole MSSD wait...half MSSD thing was an awesome experience. i mean you don't get to laugh, to scream, to tear, get yelled at, get complimented, to compliment, to sleep, to camp whore, to jump like you're you had never had before, to run like the wind, to try to catch your breathe in half a half minute which is 15seconds, to watch others tear, to feel disappointed...*you get my point in just that 6 hours! It's like a thousand emotions compacted in just that 360 minutes! pretty cool right? *winks

okay, so what happened was our juniors did well and we did well too but due to certain unforeseen circumstances we couldn't proceed to the next level. Score's not important. let's just say, we didn't win. at least we work hard. loads of apologizes to ying for my many bad passes, sheng li for in that sense giving up, to suk ting for disappointing you..... really sorry.

anyway, wanna know what happened during MSSD?
1. there was this gurl, every time her school scores a goal, she'll jump up and start cheering like "h-o-t baby you're hot!" funny to watch.
2. jan yi was checking out some
3. we made glucose =)
4. we ate sandwiches =)
5. we gain more calories than we lost

most photos taken by -HUI YING-

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